jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

Food and More Host Fam Bam stuff!

Okay. Clearly a lot of the food en España can be really expensive but there is also this wonderful place called Museo del Jamón (that's right, HAM MUSEUM!!!!!) that you can get sandwiches, beers, wine, and more for 1 euro! Basically I ate a lunch there the other day that was 2 euros. Success. Here is a picture of this marvelous establishment:

I love my new host family and house!! I signed up for the gym down the street and basically it's a 6 month pass with access to all the equipment like a trillion classes whenever I want! Super cool.

My host mom is like the most adorable ever. She left me a note and dinner like all ready because she went out to this play tonight. Here is the note:

So adorable. And even includes a flower! So funny because her name is Flor and my last name is obvs Flores! Twiiiiiiiins.

I'm going out in a little bit to one of the clubs we went to the other day :) should be fun and tomorrow is Toledo! Woo!

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