miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

First Classes At Recoletos!

Yesterday, we had out first classes at the program site, Recoletos. I'm taking Sketchbook and Imaginando Las Americas. They are both actually really cool classes.

The sketchbook class is going to basically take us on a tour around the city throughout the semester and we'll draw different elements of Madrid. Anyone who really knows me knows that I can barely even draw a stick figure. Laura Panadero and I (really since day 1 of kindergarden) have been drawing... she has progressed and I have barely progressed passed butt puppies, "doob" men, and (YES!) stick figures. She is teaching us a lot of techniques and tricks though and you don't need any experience to take the class. Our first class, we began to learn how to really look at an object, in a way that your eye doesn't trick you, so that you can draw it. We drew a few things, including a chair. Here's a picture with me creeping in the background:
I'm actually really proud of it seeing as I couldn't draw almost anything before and can at least draw a chair that looks like a chair.

The next class that I had as Imaginando las Americas which is a history class and shows Spain's perspective of the colonies in Latin America from the times of Christopher Columbus to the times when they are no longer colonies. I thought that it was going to be a complete dominant narrative history class and that it wouldn't really show the perspective of "the other" but, at least from the first day, that's pretty much what it showed. A student in the class even raised his hand and said that up until that point in time he thought that the conquistadores were heroes but clearly, they were not. Comments like this tend to make me really mad. Not necessarily at the person who says them, but generally at the schools that purposefully omitted these truths from the student's education. We'll see where this class goes. Apparently there are going to be a lot of discussions and debates....

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