viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

First Day in Spain!

I arrived in Spain at 7am. Both of the flights, from Boston to DC and then from DC to Madrid, were really quiet and ran on time. I even got to Spain 30 minutes early. It was so weird because it was pitch black outside and the sun didn't actually rise until 8 or 8:30. I guess that is what happens when you don't have daylight savings time?

We took a bus together to the hotel and got settled in before exploring a little bit and eating lunch. It's so weird because the city reminds me of Santo Domingo in some places. Obviously, there are huge differences, but there are buildings and some of the architecture that makes me feel like I am walking through the conde.

I am really glad that Zulayne, Sabrina, and Amira are here. It was really hard leaving the airport. I probably cried the entire way here, i'll never again make fun of anyone crying in the airport! This is going to be a great experience, it's just a little hard being away from home and the ones I love. I need to get used to this lifestyle I guess...

Lunch was good. We ate for 3 hours (the meals here are apparently really relaxed and long-winded) and then went back to the rooms. I slept for a few hours and woke up a little while ago. I didn't want to sleep for too long and mess up my sleep pattern. I'm super excited to skype with Kai in 45 minutes and I think I'm going to try and skype my parents around 6. The internet connection is a little sketchy at this rando hotel though so I hope that it works!

Tomorrow is orientation! Hopefully, I'll have more exciting things to update....

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