martes, 18 de enero de 2011

Racismo en España

I am super excited because I think I'm going to have the opportunity to intern for SOS Racismo, an organization in Spain that obviously works against racism and discrimination. It's been really interesting to see the functions of racism within Spanish society and the ways that they are very similar but very different from the United States. I can't wait to see the way that it's studied and the work that the organization is doing!

Some of the customs here are so different from those in the United States. Here, it is perfectly acceptable to stare at someone and not break the stare even after the person notices. I think that was really difficult for me in the beginning (and still is...) because I'm not used to being stared at in that way. Sometimes it definitely oversteps the curious, "I'm staring at you because I'm Spanish and that's my thing" kind of thing and is more inappropriate because of facial expressions or catcalling. It's interesting though... I'm going to investigate....

2 comentarios:

  1. Cecilia Flores: international racism combatant

  2. you already know! started with Amuuuurcah but I gotta bring my game with me wilst en España
